Only the Worldview Academy Southern California 2010 attendees would understand that title. And boy, is it a LEGIT inside joke.
Anyways, I had an absolute BLAST at Worldview Academy this year. Because I attended the Seattle WVA last year, I had an inkling of what to expect this year. However, because all of my buddies from Washington stayed in Washington, I didn't think that I would know too much people. That was really my only negative thought prior to camp.
Boy, was that thought erased quickly.
After I checked-in at camp, my first actions was to check the names of the male attendees, posted on the front door of our dorm building. There, I saw the name "TJ Metcalf," one of my good friends from Hawaii.
*Insert cheering and whooping here*
Not to say that I was bored of Ricky and Lucas, (Both Hawaii buds) the latter of whom I had traveled to the LAX with, and the former of whom we stayed with for a couple of hours after getting off the plane.
Far from it; I was just wondering if there was anyone else that I knew. I did NOT expect TJ to be there, so it was an extremely pleasant surprise.
Halley and Christa, two friends who lived in Hawaii, attended as well. They, however, don't count. They're girls. I won't see them 3/4ths of the camp. No sexism intended.
*Run away and hide until the "hell-hath-no-fury" passes.*
So, after checking out our dorm and unpacking, I socialized, (hard to believe, I know.) said "hi" to Luke, a staffer I knew from the previous year, (he was a student with me at Seattle that year... dude's a genius.) and chilled until the staffers called all the students together.
Thus began the BEST week of my life. (A very bold claim, I know. But... yeah. I am obligated as a student of WVA to say that.)
Now, covering every single event, as I did with the food camp, will turn into an incredibly lengthy and bore-some paper. Thus, I shall only review the noticeable parts of camp.
First and foremost, my small group. Man, I made an incredible group of friends this year. Led by Nathan Moller, (I THINK I got his last name right....) we totally ROCKED Point Loma Nazarene University with our epicness. Treeman, Coolman, Bigot, Decreed, Tim and Timmy, Brian, Lucas, and Benny.... I'll never forget those guys. (You remember that inside joke in the title? Message me on facebook or something, and I'll tell you what it is, now. It has everything to do with these guys.)
Second, the lectures. Ah! Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!! They were SO AWESOME!!!!! We had Jeff Baldwin, Jay Winslow, and Brandon Booth address us as our main speakers, and MAN were they excellent!!! We covered a variety of topics, ranging from postmodernism, to deception, to the Christian character. They were all extensively long, but I believe that it was absolutely worth it. I just wish those rows had more leg room. >.<
Third, FREE TIME!!!!!!!! You gotta love those times when you can just kick back, chill, and do whatever you want to do. During the free times they gave us during the mid-day, I played some Volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, Mafia..... hoo-wee, after about 4 hours of lectures, I needed that down-time.
Interestingly enough, Point Loma University overlooked a beautiful beach. Unfortunately, it was off-campus, which means..... *Dun dun dun* we couldn't go to that sandy paradise.
*Insert moaning and groaning here*
Fourth, the special WVA events. These ranged from team competition, to a staff vs. students game of ultimate frisbee, to the infamous evangelism practicum.
During camp, the student body was divided into 4 color teams: Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow. Each competed for the ultimate trophy, to be given to one team at the end of camp: The SPAMLEY CUP!!!!!
(Pay no attention to that terrible pun behind the curtain.)
To win that famed possession, the teams competed in team color trivia, a cheering contest, and a relay. Man, was that intense. I was quite surprised at the end results, though. Throughout the week, my team, the green team, placed consistently in 4th place. This was probably due to our team's lack of trivia hardiness. However, through an astounding turn of events, (Or perhaps our winning the cheering contest and losing the relay) we ended up in 2nd place, with Yellow trumping us. (Hey, coming from far behind to destroy two of the favored teams is pretty good, in my eyes.)
Then there was the staff vs. students frisbee game. 11-3..... yeah. That was painful. Nuff' said.
And finally, the evangelism practicum. Latin for "Real Evangelism," the students received a pamphlet, and were sent out onto the streets with one purpose in mind: to implant one question into passerby's head. That question is: "What happens when you die?"
Reflecting last year's results, my partners and I were either waved off after a short conversation, or by an immediate "no thanks," or "not interested." every time we tried to approach someone. Disturbingly, one of these quick rejections was by a self-professing Christian couple.
Needless to say, we were quite disappointed by our lack of substantiative conversations with others. However, one thing was engrained into our minds: Obedience is Success. In other words, just by obeying God's command to preach the gospel, we already succeeded.
Besides, those guys aren't going to be rid of a haunting question like "What happens when you die?" anytime soon.
All in all, it was a GREAT experience. I'm already missing my excellent buddies from WVA, but hey, there's always Heaven.
I would definitely recommend Worldview Academy to any teenager. If you are interested in going, later on this month, I can get you a $100 dollar discount from tuition if you are a first time student.
I'm planning on going to Seattle again next year, to revisit me old chaps. Care to join me? :-D
About Me

- TallguyCPO
- Me in a nutshell: Governmentally Opinionated. Ecclesiastically Inculcated. Domestically Educated. Racially August, Relatively Speaking. Call me indoctrinated, because I'll agree, doctrine is a part of ideology. Call me close-minded, I'll agree, because the truth is all that is important. Call me weird, I'll agree, because... well... I'm weird. Boy, that's a big nutshell.