CBS GOP Debate Play-by-Play  

Posted by TallguyCPO

November 11, 2011, 3:00 HST
(Recommended that you find a recording of this, and listen while reading my commentary. Or have watched the debate. lol)

0:00: The introduction speech-montage showed Huntsman speaking about 5 times, and Cain 2 times. And the others much more... Hmm.... (Sorry, couldn't help but notice.)

0:03: Introducing the candidates, and Gingrich has moved more to the middle, overtaking Perry. Not surprising, given polling results.
Rules: 90 Minute Debate, questions give 1 minute to candidate, and 30 minutes for any rebuttal, if necessary.

0:05: I'm not sure Mr. Cain was prepped enough for these questions... Hmmm....

0:07: The moderator just called Romney's time 30 seconds too early. Wow. Just... wow. Great way to give Romney some points, buddy. >.<

0:09: "The administration's skipped all ways to be smart." Gingrich's a genius.

0:10: Ron Paul: "It's not worthwhile to go to war (against Iran), because you would have to go through Congress to go to war." Uhhh.... wait, what?

0:12: Perry's being combative with the moderators. Again. Bah.

0:13: According to Santorum, victory against the Taliban means making them a neutered force, with no threat to America.

0:15: Santorum gave a really good exposition against Iran, but made the first time violation. *sigh*

0:17: Huntman advocating withdrawing all troops.

0:20: Gingrich saying that the solution is a "much larger strategic discussion."

0:21: Cain: "There isn't a clear answer to whether Pakistan is a friend or foe." To clarify their alliance, Cain would ask Pakistan "what commitments they would make to the US."

0:22: Mr. Perry, please, please, PLEASE answer the question. Foreign aid wasn't even mentioned in the question!
....Although, it was a really good spiel. He still didn't answer the question, though.
I think a great answer for Mr. Perry would be "Why are they being two-faced? Do I look like a Pakistani?"

0:25: Bachmann just gave an excellent pro-Israel spiel.

0:27: Gingrich just gave a great explanation of a beginning zero-dollar foreign aid budget, but stopped short of saying "No foreign aid, period."

0:34: Moderators are REALLY good at giving Mr. Gingrich incredibly straightforward questions. Basically giving him a shotgun.

0:35: Gingrich would adopt the Reagan/John Paul approach toward Iran and.... Pakistan, was it?

0:36: Cain would "surround himself with the right people, gather all the facts, and pick the option that makes the most sense," when it comes to overruling his generals.

0:38: Perry just made a great spike to the mod's question on the Department of Energy, using classic Texan self-depreciating humor to make light of the situation. Well done.

0:41: "I agree that Waterboarding is an enhanced interrogation technique." Nice recovery, Mr. Cain.

0:42: Congressman Paul is going about his anti-torture stance. Oh boy.

0:44: Hunstman siding with Congressman Paul.

0:47: Perry: China will end up on the ash heap of history.

0:52: *sigh* Mr. Cain isn't doing very well at all.... >.<

0:56: Perry hitchhiking off of Gingrich's idea of "countries making their case."

Oh, darn. They're done with broadcasting on TV. XD
