Memorial Day-Not Soon Forgotten  

Posted by TallguyCPO

Quite frankly, I have had enough of people saying "The war is unnecessary," "The war is too expensive," or "The war is unfair," and using those assertions as justification to ignore the soldier's sacrifice.

I understand the arguments that they pose, and the reasons why the war was unnecessary. However, we are far too deep in it now. Our main enemy, the Taliban, (Which is radical Islam, whether my Muslim friends like it or not) have been angered far too greatly. They live by a war-like code, (argue that, when the Qu'ran itself states "strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them") and will stop at nothing to regain what is theirs, and to take revenge on those who wronged them. If we simply withdraw, what is to stop them from calling us cowards, or even worse, being consistent with the Qu'ran and following us to attack us on our homelands?

Perhaps the war was unjustified. Perhaps it is way too expensive. However, pulling out may prove even more expensive than we know, if the Tali follow their holy book. That is why, since we have started, we have to finish it.

Anyway, that was my little rant on the war. Back to what I was saying earlier.

You cannot say that soldiers are not heroes. Serving in the military is the hardest job in America right now, going to a foreign country, where there is a sniper around every corner that wants every intruder dead. The soldier doesn't even know if he will see his family again. They made the ultimate sacrifice, their very lives, in order to preserve your rights to talk trash about them freely. They endure hardship, suffering, and misery so you can experience peace, joy, and contentment.

Even if you disagree with the war's enactment, take this day at least to remember those who have fallen, for our independence in the past, and for our freedom in the future.

The Case for Democrats  

Posted by TallguyCPO

So, as you might have heard, Ed Case has officially dropped out from the congressional race in November. KHON2 is running a poll, asking viewers whether or not Case's withdrawal will help Democrats win back the 1st Congressional Seat. You can access the poll here:

These are my thoughts. First, we have to take into account campaign funds. As we have seen, the Case v. Hanabusa race for the special election did nothing but bring shame to democrats. Both candidates drained funds from Democratic special interests, unions, fundraisers, the DNC, and to what end? Charles Djou won the 1st Congressional Special Election, the first Republican to win the seat in 20 years.

With the bitter primary between former Congressman Abercrombie and Mayor Hannemann to be had, even more money will be drained from Democratic funds. That, coupled with another Case v. Hanabusa, would have drowned the Democratic savings account.

Second, we have to look at voters. The way I see it, there are primarily three types of voters: the loyalists, the diehards, and the party-crossers. The loyalists are those who will vote for the better candidate in their specific party, and will always vote for their party. These normally come in the form of individual voters. Now that Case has dropped out, these types of voters, who primarily supported Case, will shift to Hanabusa. The diehards are the ones loyal to one candidate, and that candidate only. These usually come in the form of close relatives, friends, and special interests. They will only support one candidate, and will not take any compromises. Case's diehards, in this election, will probably not vote out of faithfulness. The party-crossers are the most interesting. They are usually individual voters, who either have very moderate viewpoints, or borderline despise a candidate. These former Case supporters, out of hatred for Hanabusa,  will cross party lines to vote for Djou, in order to keep Hanabusa out of the nation's capitol.

Only the loyalists will vote for Hanabusa as a compromise to Case; the other two groups will not. If the ratio of loyalists to party-crossers is significant either way, it could give a boost to either Djou or Hanabusa.

So, will Case's drop-out help Democrats take back the 1st Congressional? Personally, I think that in terms of fiscal situations and voter ratio, it will help Democrats.

Will it nab them the win? I don't think so. I believe that the incumbent, Djou, has enough support to pull off another win.

50th State Fair!!!!  

Posted by TallguyCPO

It is quite amazing how fast you can blow $50 at the carnival.

I went to the 50th State Fair today, with a couple of my friends. Myself and two others arrived at 4:00 to get wristbands, which allowed us to take unlimited rides until 6:00. Then, we ate dinner ($8 Garlic Shrimp and Pasta Plate.... O.o) and waited for my other friends, one of whom was working at a booth at the fair. (French Fries FTW!!!!!!)

Unfortunately, there were no other wristbands eligible for the 6:00-closing hours, so we had to buy tickets to ride the attractions. And man, those things were EXPENSIVE. Holy cow, $1 per ticket, or $10.00 for 12. And each ride cost 3 tickets, minimum.

However, it was quite worth it, methinks. The climax of the experience was when I headed to the game section, (no arcades, unfortunately) and played this one throw-the-ball game. They set up foam "shelves" about 25 feet in front of you, and set up beer bottles in those shelves. You paid $2, got 2 balls, and you had to destroy, literally destroy, 2 bottles.

Long story short, that game was easy. Next thing I knew, people around me were staring in amazement as I walked off with a newly won life-sized teddy bear for my sister. Man, that felt good. XD

Hannemann.... Finally.  

Posted by TallguyCPO

Dude. Not that I'm impatient or anything, but... it took the Mayor long enough.

I mean, seriously. I understand the ideology behind "holding your cards until the last second," but.... what was the point? Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I highly doubt that Hannemann would have just said "Nah, I've decided against running for the gubernatorial seat."

From my viewpoint, it seems as though the mayor used his unofficial electorate status as an excuse to hide his stance on some issues, such as when he refused to divulge his opinion on civil unions, stating something like "I am not an official candidate yet." Don't quote me on that-I can't remember his exact wording.

I wouldn't be surprised if he says something like "The reason why I delayed my candidacy announcement was to contemplate all of my options, going into this race," this afternoon at his official announcement.

Good luck, Mr. Abercrombie. Your opponent is going be as official as he can be this afternoon.

Those two are in for a heck of a race.

Meeting with Governor Linda Lingle  

Posted by TallguyCPO

Now, that went better than expected.

Earlier this afternoon, I was blessed enough to be able to take part in a roundtable discussion with Governor Linda Lingle, discussing (what else?) House Bill 444, House Draft 1, Senate Draft 1, or the infamous Civil Unions Bill. In attendance were organizations such as the Hawaii Family Forum, the Hawaii Christian Coalition, the Pastor's Roundtable, (I think it was called that? idk, I can't remember. XD) and Generation Joshua. Originally, the meeting was set for 2:00-3:00 pm; I thought that GenJ and the HCC were going to be the only organizations there. Apparently, I was dead wrong.

Nevertheless, it turned out to be an extremely pleasant surprise. Although the Hawaii Family Forum took the whole hour to make their presentation, the Governor was benevolent enough to tell us that if she had any conflicting events on her schedule for the day, she would waive them off. Good thing, too, because the entire meeting took twice as much time as we had initially thought.

The Generation Joshua members who spoke worked in seamless tandem; Ryan started off, describing the manipulation of the democratic system, Halley spoke next, covering the freedom of speech, I went after her, defining civil rights and giving a few examples of court cases dealing with civil rights, and Drake spoke last, naming some helpful statistics. Over the course of the meeting, some other members like Gage, Ricky, Lucas and Mya dropped some useful tidbits of wisdom. It's too bad some of the other members, like Kira, Gracie, Chelsea, and Joshua didn't get to speak....

She was extremely open to the youth's words, and very supportive. In my opinion, I think she listened more to what the youth had to say, than the adults. I don't know. That's just my opinion. XD

Anyway, the meeting was very civil, very pleasant, and extremely productive. I believe that we communicated our viewpoint very efficiently, and very thoroughly. We even got to pray over the Governor after the meeting, led by Kahu Kurt Kekuna.

Now, if only the meeting didn't conflict with the ESA elections..... oh, well. It is what it is.

Oh, and I got to sit right next to the LG, (Or should I say, the future Governor....) and two seats away from the Governor herself!!!! CHEE-HEE!!!!!!

Absolutely ANNOYING Facebook Posts  

Posted by TallguyCPO

The. Most. Annoying. Facebook. Posts. Ever.

Well, maybe not EVER. But, I think they comes pretty close. In my own closed, unedumacated little mind, I thought that Facebook imposed limits on the character count of groups.

Well, a new craze has hit Facebook. Now, there are groups that say "I'm awesome" about a thousand times, or groups that count to 20,000, hitting every single number along the way in order. At first, I thought that there would be a punch-line in the middle of the group name, something like "1,59... never mind, I'm bored."

However, I have to endure scrolling down the painfully long list of pointless numbers or phrases that no one really cares about anyway, to see if there's something on the bottom of the page that might be remotely more interesting than that group.

Help me not to join one of those things just to annoy someone, Lord.

Did we Djou it? We Djid it!!!!  

Posted by TallguyCPO

Sorry, I just had to.

But, GO DJOU!!!!!!!!

The way I see it, he has good momentum for his regular congressional run in November. I just fear for the votes, because the democrats will be forced to unite behind one candidate in the general. The vote won't be split so much.

Kamehameha Mystery-Solved  

Posted by TallguyCPO

I will say it for you. I am a noob. K? K.

Now, Kamehameha means: Turtle Destruction Wave.


Thus the name. Credits to Taylor York for the research.


Posted by TallguyCPO

Hey ya'll,

(Yes, I did use ya'll....*Faint*)

When you guys have time, which I am assuming that you do, since you have the time to read this, then I suggest that you check out this website that my friend made. (This is a watered-down version of commanding you to read the website. Just to filter out any confusion in the ranks.) It's outlining Parental Rights in Hawaii, something that I, personally, am very passionate about. Thanks!!!

Kamehameha. Really.  

Posted by TallguyCPO

Seriously. Go to Google, (ADD Moment: You can actually play Pac-Man on there right now, in honor of Pac-Man's 30th birthday. Super Smash Bros. is better, but...) and type in "Kamehameha." After one school website, and 2 wikipedia articles on the school and the Kings, you see Youtube entries outlining "real Kamehameha," and "Kamehameha After Effect Tutorial," and the Dragon Ball Z Wiki.

It got me to thinking. How did a Japanese guy get the name "Kamehameha" for a signature attack for his main anime character, that would be screamed by hyperactive little kids for decades to come? I mean, did he take a trip to Hawaii and see the name and say to himself "Ah, Ka-me-ha-me-ha... Sugoiiiii....."

Or was it a by-product of random syllables put together? Or maybe a "weird names" google search? I may never know..... O.o

Charles Djou... man, he has massive energy.  

Posted by TallguyCPO

So, I got up at 5:00 today sign-wave for Charles Djou. In the rain. That was fun.

But man, Councilman Djou has so much energy. He's with his campaign team, doing his sign-waving, door-to-door, phone banking, et cetera, all while maintaining his activities as the sole republican on the Honolulu City Council. And he's doing it all with his trademark smile on his face. I envy him.

I haven't smiled that long, stood that long, or wished it was over already that long, since Boy Choir. This year's gonna be painful....

Separation of Church and State?  

Posted by TallguyCPO

Epic bias alert. Feel free to comment; just remember that I am the site master. Mwa ha ha.

Separation of Church and State is a myth regarding the constitution that was drafted in 1787, ratified in 1789, and amended by the bill of rights in 1791.

This myth states that the first amendment to the constitution states that the State and Government should be kept separate and distance themselves from the church, because its exact wording is: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...".

The people supporting this idea state that because of this wording, an impenatratable "Wall" has been built between the church and government, so no religion can be even mentioned in schools, government offices, or state-owned buildings without punishment.

The problems with this theory are numerous, but to keep this article short, I will name a few of the most significant arguments against the separation:

#1. America was founded on the principles that we are able to express our beliefs, speech and expression without punishment. The separation of church and state violates these principles, saying that religious people cannot express their beliefs in state property. Why not? You're corroding our freedom of speech.

#2. The founding fathers put this particular sentence in because Pierre L'Enfant, the original builder of what was going to be the overall plan for the future seats in Americas government, expressed an idea to build a national church. The very phrase used was that the church would be "intended for national purposes, such as public prayer, thanksgiving, funeral orations, etc., and assigned to the special use of no particular Sect of denomination, but equally open to all." The founding fathers wanted to avoid something like this, not make government and the church two absolute separate ideas!

#3. The founding fathers were either Christian or deist, as well as the rest of America. There were no Athiests, Muslims, Mormons, or any extremists back then requiring such a separation. So why would they add that if it was not needed?

The Worst Part About Orchestra?  

Posted by TallguyCPO

By far, it has to be the audition music. It has to be. Often, it's so massively difficult that it gives you a false awareness; often, the music is never nearly as hard as the actual performance pieces in orchestra.
This is only for the violas and cellos, it seems. (Thanks, Melody.)
Poor weedle violins.

Tadashi Sushi.... eh.  

Posted by TallguyCPO

So, for my birthday dinner, I went to Tadashi. It's a sizable restaurant near Pearl Ridge, by Kuru-Kuru Sushi. And we went there for..... sushi. (Kuru-Kuru was PACKED.) And, I have some critiques.

Tadashi is a fairly large restaurant, one of the bigger ones on the small chain of shops that it's located in. The atmosphere is similar to a traditional Japanese Restaurant, in that the sushi is prepared in the open, there is a sit-down counter, and Japanese art plasters the walls all around. Even the windowsills sport Buddhas and Lucky Bamboo.

However, the furniture could use some improvement. The tables were WAY too small for my legs; I couldn't stretch them out without hitting my Mom's legs on the other side. It was quite annoying, to say the least.

When the food came, the waiter was very nice. She went through her normal routine, using terminology such as "Here you are," "Do you require anything else?" and "Enjoy your meal!!!" However, it was with a sort of monotonish tone of voice, and when my Mom asked her a question about one of the employees, her responses switched from "Yes," "No," and "I do not recall" to "Yeah," "Nah," and "I don't remember." It seems that being taken out of her scripted waitress lines caught her by surprise and left her fumbling over her tongue.

The food was good, but not exceptional. As my sister stated, "I can't tell the difference between the two. (Kuru-kuru and Tadashi.)"

When my sister ordered another Tekamaki because she was still hungry from the person who filled our waters, (The portion of her udon was terrible) we waited for about 10 minutes, to find that they had not received the order. The excuse was "Oh, you must have told the new guy."

The HUGE, blaring thing, though, was the cost. Sure, the food is supposedly high-quality, but $20 for a chirashi bowl? $15 for Tekamaki??? $17 for Udon??? That food must have some pretty darn good nutritional value for THOSE prices.

Overall, I would not recommend this restaurant for first choice, but maybe a second or third resort. 

Birthday Surprise!!!!  

Posted by TallguyCPO

Wow. So, I went to my friend's house, in order to help them prepare for their move in a couple of weeks. Little did I know that everyone was conspiring behind my back. When I entered the house, I shook hands with Ryan, my friend who's moving, and suddenly I heard a "SURPRISE!!!!!!"
I looked up, and a bunch of my buddies had popped out from behind walls that had hidden them before. It was then that I noticed a huge poster with big, bold letters reading "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LARSON!!!!!" (Slight imperfection. Oh, well.)
So, that's what a surprise party feels like. It feels good. Wow.

However, I still had to help clean up. XD

So.... Sweet Sixteen. Yay?  

Posted by TallguyCPO

Quite frankly, I'm not sure what all the hub-bub is about regarding sweet sixteen. My Dad's going to make me do schoolwork anyway, I have to do SAT testing, and I don't feel any different. Just my domestically trained life as normal, I think. Oh, well. I'll see how it goes.
