Why are we waiting?  

Posted by TallguyCPO


I simply don't understand why the liberals in the administration are so dead-set against repealing the Jones Act in order to call in foreign help to fix this BP mess!!!

"I wanna know who these people are. I wanna know who these experts are."

Girl. DOES IT MATTER????? 

BP has a very vested interest in fudging the facts; they want to keep what little reputation they have above the water. With that kind of mentality, there is almost no way that they can do everything to fix it without putting themselves at blame. And if they have truly been doing all they can, then it is, quite frankly, not good enough. CALL THE EXPERTS!!!! We have tons of people overseas who can run things over here a lot better than BP can!!!!! Call them!!!! Repeal the Jones Act!!!! All that stinkin' piece of legislation is doing is stopping us from getting expert help to help expedite the process of cleaning up this oil!!!!

This entry was posted on Thursday, June 17, 2010 . You can View Comments and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .
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