Memorial Day-Not Soon Forgotten  

Posted by TallguyCPO

Quite frankly, I have had enough of people saying "The war is unnecessary," "The war is too expensive," or "The war is unfair," and using those assertions as justification to ignore the soldier's sacrifice.

I understand the arguments that they pose, and the reasons why the war was unnecessary. However, we are far too deep in it now. Our main enemy, the Taliban, (Which is radical Islam, whether my Muslim friends like it or not) have been angered far too greatly. They live by a war-like code, (argue that, when the Qu'ran itself states "strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them") and will stop at nothing to regain what is theirs, and to take revenge on those who wronged them. If we simply withdraw, what is to stop them from calling us cowards, or even worse, being consistent with the Qu'ran and following us to attack us on our homelands?

Perhaps the war was unjustified. Perhaps it is way too expensive. However, pulling out may prove even more expensive than we know, if the Tali follow their holy book. That is why, since we have started, we have to finish it.

Anyway, that was my little rant on the war. Back to what I was saying earlier.

You cannot say that soldiers are not heroes. Serving in the military is the hardest job in America right now, going to a foreign country, where there is a sniper around every corner that wants every intruder dead. The soldier doesn't even know if he will see his family again. They made the ultimate sacrifice, their very lives, in order to preserve your rights to talk trash about them freely. They endure hardship, suffering, and misery so you can experience peace, joy, and contentment.

Even if you disagree with the war's enactment, take this day at least to remember those who have fallen, for our independence in the past, and for our freedom in the future.

This entry was posted on Monday, May 31, 2010 . You can View Comments and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .
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